Adult Horseback Riders are People Too!

I teach horseback riding lessons.  When I tell people what I do for a living, a common response I get is, “Oh!  I used to ride as a kid and loved it!  I really miss it.”  Another response I get from adults is, “I’ve always wanted to learn how to ride a horse, but I guess I’m too old to start that.”  I realized (after the umpteenth time I got these responses) that there is a large group of adults who would like to ride horses, but aren’t aware of the resources out there to make it happen.  The common reasons for not riding are that riding is too expensive, all the barns are too far away, and there is never enough time to do it.  While there is some truth to these reasons, I can tell you that there are horseback riding opportunities for almost all budgets, time schedules, and locations.

There is plenty of support for kids and horses. There is 4-H, Pony Club, summer camps … you name it. But as soon as you turn eighteen, the support is harder to find. Many of the riders do not continue without some sort of supportive network.  I am creating a resource to reach this community of adult equestrians and provide support for them to get involved with something they loved.  People will see they can pursue their passion, even though they thought a life with horses was out of reach.

We will create an online blog and Facebook page as a resource for the community to help them find information, stables, instructors, and merchants that will further their equestrian pursuits. The online resources will also be a community outlet for commentary and a forum to share ideas, insights, and their passion about horses. Finally, we will involve the media to help publicize that you’re never too old to embrace your love of horses.

I welcome your ideas and input on how this community can grow.  Would you like to find a way to reconnect with friends you used to ride with when you were younger?  We can develop this community and resource to make those connections happen.  When we all get involved, this becomes a great way for us to connect over our common love of horses.

1 thought on “Adult Horseback Riders are People Too!

  1. This is a Wonderful Idea coming into Reality because of your love for people and horses. I grew up with Horses on 3 sides of my house, I never had one of my own. My neighbors were generous in sharing with me whenever it worked out. I was always grateful to them. Thank you for creating this! ~Julie

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